EVE Online: 1 Month Omega Time Download For Mac

EVE Online: 1 Month Omega Time Download For Mac

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Please can we have a Mac OS X version - Pleeeeease!!
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Changed my home machine for a Powermac - had to for my video editing (or at least wanted to) but now of course no more Eve.
I've seen a few items on the web including one which stated CCP may be investigating porting Eve to Linux or OSX - is this true?

BlackWatch Industrial Group
Intrepid Crossing
My god yes, a MAC install would be perfect... so perfect.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Eve uses Directx and x86 compatible cpu
so I guess that would be very hard to port and even harder to maintain/test.

Edited by: Aitrus on 15/08/2005 17:34:40
Well, with macs moving over to x86 all they would need is the DirectX support.
But what are the chances of that happening?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Originally by:AitrusEdited by: Aitrus on 15/08/2005 17:34:40
Well, with macs moving over to x86 all they would need is the DirectX support.
But what are the chances of that happening?

if you look at wine/cedega it's already happening
but still a long way to go

Solomon Majere
They're working on it...
From Transgamings wiki page:
Seems they've got Eve running, but still a mayor ammount of glitches and bugs. Give it another month or 2...
I don't know if it's possible to run WineX on OSX though, you might have to dual boot with a linux partition for that. But luckily these days linux is not as hard to install/maintain as it used to be. Another warning: You'll never want to run Windows again. Only thing I use it for nowadays is to play Eve Online.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
Edited by: Matalok on 23/08/2005 09:08:56
Wine wont work on the current stock of Macs (PPC processors, not x86 yet). So you'd have to look at VirtualPC for a midterm solution.
I've never checked the 3D support on VirtualPC, but I doubt it would use hardware acceleration. So if you had a dual G5 you could probably run EVE in sofware rendering (if it supports it).
Another solution would to setup your old PC... I've got a powerbook as my main machine but my PC upstairs is still there for EVE and HL2

ESF Hyperion
Total Mayhem.
I run a standard desktop pc and a powerbook laptop so would really like to see this implemented. Would be cool to be able to play eve whislt away with work.
For those wondering about the virtual PC side of things. Already tried it myself, clients installs fine, but virtual pc doesnt detect dedicated graphics in the machines, it assigns a SIS graphics driver (integrated of 8mb) so the client basically wont run.
If anyone has a work round for that please let me know.

then there are us with 3+ pcs Mac got sold.. couldnt afford teh 4000 price climb whereas a pc was $1000 :(
Meh. if anyone wants an OOLD PC rig in Western Australia eve mail me lol.. old box sitting in the cupboard unused (REALLY should host an apache server on it but cant afford a decent PSU)

Foible Chastaine
I just had to cancel my account as my windows machine just died. My primary computer is an Apple PowerMac G5, and I can't afford to buy a new computer just to play Eve (much as I'd like to).
A Mac version would be awesome!

Go Daigo
Team Awesome
Amen Anera
Mac version of eve would be great I think CCP would find that they would have a large amount of mac players.
The only reason I keep my pc around is to play eve.
Windows suxs
If CCP did a mac build it would run opengl. if there are crazy projects to put directx on mac.. they are crazy. CCP would never use some sort of haxored Directx for mac. Microsoft will never build directx for Mac.

Creed Richards
Xoth Inc
Omega Vector
Though I'm certainly not against having EVE on multiple platforms, IIRC, Mac gamers are such a small percentage that porting EVE to mac might not be worth the time and money.
However, more EVE players are always good.

Kage Getsu
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams
Too much effort for too little gain. CCP would need to hire a completely new set of programmers for the Mac port who know how to write Mac stuff. In addition, the amount of development time would increase because the teams would have to co-ordinate development and testing.
That's way too expensive and investment to gain 50 subscriptions at the most.

Go Daigo
Team Awesome
Amen Anera
Edited by: Go Daigo on 27/12/2005 03:26:59
50 subscriptions?
I think that's a little weak prediction. Considering I know 5 people myself that would be playing eve if it was for the Mac.
But i agree it would be a lot of work. One thing that does however have to be considered is the fact that mac users don't have a lot of mogs to choose from so its not a saturated market. Therefore you might be gaining a lot more than you think by being one of the first to offer a mmorpg for mac.
E.G. Every single gamer I know that owns a mac plays or has played wow

Edo Girouard
Team Awesome
Amen Anera

Go Daigo
Team Awesome
Amen Anera
Posted - 2005.12.27 05:02:00 - [16]
There is a petition for a mac build:
Its already got 1658 signatures.

Black NTan

Xzender S'jet
GalacTECH Unlimited
Gunboat Diplomacy
Posted - 2006.01.15 04:45:00 - [18]
Edited by: Xzender S'jet on 15/01/2006 04:49:08
Screw you MAC fanbois!!! Rewright the GFX in openGL so we can port it to linux!!! Im tird of needing to use windows for my games. And for you mac freeks, openGL will mean a quick for you to... if anyone cares.

Black NTan
When u say 'mac fanboy', I hope you understand what that means. as in 'bsd fanboy' and 'unix fanboy'...
Linux is growing up as a desktop os, it's just no where as close as osx right now.
In short, I agree: get a opengl port moving (choose a platform) and then it should be much easier to go to either of the others.

Darth Kidd
My brother has a mac....and I know he would love this game. I would like this game to be on mac aswell.

I agree totally with this, i'm using an old windows PC to try the game out, but if this was Mac OSX supported id subscribe immediately. I've also been poking around the net and it looks like there's absolutely no way to get it to work on Macs. Guess i'll have to wait.

Go Daigo
Team Awesome
Amen Anera
1786 signatues > keep it going

The Praxis Initiative
Majesta Empire
You can petition, but its not going to do much good.
EvE uses Direct X for its gfx engine, which is only avalable on windows platforms. In order to port to OSX or *nix CCP will have to rewrite the gfx engine from the ground up to use openGL. That would take a great deal of time and money to do so. If you want to petition you should petition for an open GL client instead of limiting it to an operating system.
As much as I would love to play EVE on my linux box, I dont see it happening soon.

Sevarus James
Meridian Dynamics
Edited by: Sevarus James on 29/01/2006 12:37:40
The problem with this whole topic is pretty simple.........other than ONE feeler put out at the end of 2004 by Hellmar, there hasn't been ONE SINGLE RESPONSE by the DEVS regarding ANY of this (as far as I'm able to search). I've been here since the opening gun, and am quasi-successfully running EVE under CEDEGA/Linux now, but key word is 'quasi'. There are still bugs which are pretty much showstoppers.
I really and truly do NOT understand the silence on CCP's part. At least coming out and saying something one way or another would be nice, if for no other reason than acknowledging that we ARE here.
If Cedega's 6.0 build can get the rest of the directx issues resolved, then at least for the 'nix side of the house the issue would be resolved.
There WAS a poster in the forums who mentioned he'd asked the devs about cedega during the last fanfest, and received positive feedback then..........but notta peep by anyone since. I'm starting to think the 'tech' forum should be called the 'we're on our own' forum, tbh.
I still find it funny that 4 developers in minnesota/wisconsin could develop Vendetta Online for *NIX, MAC AND Windows, but when it comes to CCP the response from players who know very little about porting and oh I don't know.........telephones to 3rd party folks.........its always the same 'they'd have to hire bazillions of new people! ohnoes!'

cryptic edge
Kinetic Vector
Freelancer Alliance
I am an avid mac hater (before you flame hear me out :P)
my reasons are because mac pre osx was crap, and post osx is just a bastardization of unix (face it, you know it to be true)
I am a linux guru (working hand in hand with debian coders on several occasions) and with this new mac going to intel thing thats been rumored for years and has finally come to pass, coding a mac on x86 version would be the same as a linux version, just write for openGL and use your own libs to prevent things like gnome or kde wars or that sort (and yes, the *shudder* darwin libs too)
I beg for an x86 openGL *nix version (ashamed to say, but yes, this inclueds mac :( ) so I can finally turn off my windows computer for good, because if theres anything I hate worse than mac, its windows

Selyia Hrafnfaedir
Edited by: Selyia Hrafnfaedir on 30/01/2006 15:02:52
Originally by:Sevarus James
I still find it funny that 4 developers in minnesota/wisconsin could develop Vendetta Online for *NIX, MAC AND Windows, but when it comes to CCP the response from players who know very little about porting and oh I don't know.........telephones to 3rd party folks.........its always the same 'they'd have to hire bazillions of new people! ohnoes!'

Well, if it is your plan from the beginning to develop a cross-platform game, the choices you make in terms of your engine, audio, and netcode libraries will be made with a goal of cross compatability before any real coding starts. If you are trying to port a game after the fact, you might be stuck with one or more of those that is windows only.
Having said that, one of the lesser-known features of wine (and presumeably cedega) is that if you have the application source, you can compile against the wine libraries to create a 'native' unix binary. I'm not sure if this remains possible when you throw in a bunch of 3rd party libraries, and since eve under wine is kind of sketchy (it works well enough for me to do some high-sec mining while I'm at work), I'm not sure what this means for a real linux port.
As for OS X, switching to x86 is a start, but since the API is so radically different from both windows and linux, I wouldn't expect any sort of eve running there until (unless?) transgaming releases cedega for OS X.

Sevarus James
Meridian Dynamics
Originally by:Selyia HrafnfaedirEdited by: Selyia Hrafnfaedir on 30/01/2006 15:02:52
Originally by:Sevarus James
I still find it funny that 4 developers in minnesota/wisconsin could develop Vendetta Online for *NIX, MAC AND Windows, but when it comes to CCP the response from players who know very little about porting and oh I don't know.........telephones to 3rd party folks.........its always the same 'they'd have to hire bazillions of new people! ohnoes!'

Well, if it is your plan from the beginning to develop a cross-platform game, the choices you make in terms of your engine, audio, and netcode libraries will be made with a goal of cross compatability before any real coding starts. If you are trying to port a game after the fact, you might be stuck with one or more of those that is windows only.
Having said that, one of the lesser-known features of wine (and presumeably cedega) is that if you have the application source, you can compile against the wine libraries to create a 'native' unix binary. I'm not sure if this remains possible when you throw in a bunch of 3rd party libraries, and since eve under wine is kind of sketchy (it works well enough for me to do some high-sec mining while I'm at work), I'm not sure what this means for a real linux port.
As for OS X, switching to x86 is a start, but since the API is so radically different from both windows and linux, I wouldn't expect any sort of eve running there until (unless?) transgaming releases cedega for OS X.

Actually, if my statement were taken 'in context' the point was that getting on the phone and butting heads with transgaming to get this thing to work under cedega isn't as hard as a full port...but either way a full port isn't as hard as some in these forums would claim. As for MacIntel, you are correct regarding cedega if the owner of said hardware uses OSX. The betting on my side of the fence is that there will be a linux port for that hardware sooner than later.

Ridor Marken
All this talk about porting, and oohhh no Eve uses DirectX, and oohh how can you put eve on OSX, without directx bla bla bla.
Its a freaking client, just rebuild the client to use opengl for the mac. Its not like they have to rebuild eve from scratch, 80% of eve is server side, the 20% that is client is a mix of rendering and business logic. Oh noes I have rebuild graphic integration for the client. Its not actually that big of a deal..
I'm not saying its not a lot of work, I'm saying that its within the realm of possibilty, and potentially worth the effort to capture this market.
Once again.. i'm NOT saying that its not a lot of work...

Bizarro Debbie
Just replying to the guy that said a mac client would bring in 50 subs at the most. There are millions, literally millions of mac users out there. Most of them do not game as much as PC owners due to lack of content. When a good title does come out, everyone jumps on it. Mac users are by and large older and wealthier than the average PC gamer and more in line with the average EVE player demographic. I think a Mactel client for eve would be well worth the work in terms of subs.
I too only use a PC for eve. It nearly died last week. It WILL die soon as PC's are so fragile compared to macs. When it does die, ill be waiting for a mactel client, im not buying a new machine just to play eve. It would be interesting to Poll the eve population and ask how many also own a mac.

Sam Arran
The ONLY reason there's still a PC in my house is EVE. It doesn't get used for anything else.
A Mac client would be fantastic, for me at least.

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Eve Online: 1 Month Omega Time Download For Macbook Pro

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Eve Online: 1 Month Omega Time Download For Mac Download

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